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Nursery, Children and Family Ministry


For babies and toddlers up to age 36 months.
Sundays: 8:45am - 12:00pm

         Welcome to Wellspring’s nursery! We are glad to have your child with us in the nursery. It is our goal to provide a safe and caring environment for your child while you are worshipping.
        The nursery serves infants to pre-school children up to 36 months of age and is capably and lovingly staffed by a paid Wellspring employee and a trained church volunteer who have successfully passed a background screening and are mandated to comply with our Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy.
        Safety is of paramount importance to us. We commit to provide a safe environment for the children and youth of the church community. It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual or emotional abuse of children and youth. Wellspring follows a Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy whose purpose is to educate those working with children about the church’s requirements and procedures of staff and volunteers when dealing with children and youth. This policy also serves as a tool to provide information on child abuse and to advise workers of the procedures to be followed if abuse is disclosed. The guidance provided by this policy helps assure children and youth participating in programs and activities at Wellspring United Methodist Church are treated in ways that encourage their healthy growth and development.
        We pride ourselves on a clean environment, with a bright, cheery atmosphere and choices of both stimulating and quiet toys that are rotated for maximum enjoyment. After each Nursery session, toys that have been used are sprayed and wiped with a mild bleach solution.
        Parents/Guardians play a major role in helping to make your child’s experience a positive one. Parents/Guardians are asked to sign in their child at each visit to provide important information to the Nursery staff about how your child is doing that morning and what he/she will need to provide comfort. We provide generic snacks to all our guests [goldfish, animal crackers, juice], so if there are food sensitivities that need to be considered, please provide any specialty snack or drink your child may require. We have a refrigerator to keep bottles and cups cold. Please label all your child’s belongings (diaper bag, cup, jackets, etc.) so that we may return everything back to you at the close of nursery time.  And when it's time for your child to graduate out from Nursery, we partner with the parents/guardians to start the STEP UP program – a transition process to help the child be prepared and successful for the start of their Pre-K Sunday school class.
We look forward to caring for your child!

Children & Youth Ministry

As part of the baptismal covenant, Wellspring United Methodist Church and its members accept the responsibility to nurture our children in their Christian life. To fulfill this promise, we view children and youth as equal parts of our Christian family.  We are each disciples of the risen Lord, exploring how to weave our story with God's story.

Family of Faith Worship Service is offered on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 11:00am. This abbreviated service focuses on the needs of children and their families.

Worship Bags are canvas totes located on the table at the entrance to the Sanctuary, full of books and quiet activities. Parents are encouraged to take one to their seat for use during worship.

Children's Bulletins give children an opportunity to connect more with the lesson by interactively listening.

Children's Message is offered to children of all ages; children sit in front with our Pastor to hear the message of the day.

Children's Education (PreK - K) - class for children between 36 months of age and those in Kindergarten available three times on Sundays - at the  8:45 and 11:00am worship services as well as the 10:00am education hour. Children must be potty trained to attend. Children are released to their teacher after the Children's Message.

Children's Education (grades 1-5; 6-12) - classes designed for children with age appropriate lessons on bible skills for the younger grades and more advanced spiritual development for the older youth. Class is offered during the 10:00am education hour. Children meet their teacher in the foyer before the start of class.

U.M.Y.F. - United Methodist Youth Fellowship (grades 6-12)  - meet for fellowship, devotion, games and snacks in a positive environment on Sundays at 6:30pm during school year. Refer to calendar of events, the bulletin, or contact our youth director for summer schedule.

Youth Events, Activities, Mission Trips - scheduled throughout the year; refer to calendar of events.

Junior Choir - opportunity for older children and youth to lift their voices in praise to God.  See more information under Music Ministry.
“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates”-Deuteronomy 6:6-9.

Family Ministry

Wellspring United Methodist believes we are to be in partnership with families to lead children and youth to better identify their own story woven within God's greater story.  We recognize that families are ultimately responsible for the spiritual guidance of their children but often have limited time and resources - so our goal is to serve the family with the good news through engaging and rich experiences.​

Wellspring's Family Ministry Covenant
Wellspring United Methodist Church covenants to witness to children, youth and families about Jesus Christ in the world through acts of devotion, worship, compassion and justice, guided by the Holy Spirit. Each ministry within the church will partner with parents and families to the best of their ability, to support and encourage them in their family’s spiritual walk. We promise these things to God.
Our tenets are to provide opportunities for families to experience:
  • Acts of Devotion – prayer; exploring/reading bible; fasting or abstinence; stewardship
  • Acts of Worship – confession; thanksgiving; assist in worship; praise; learn about liturgy; communion; singing; preaching
  • Acts of Compassion – practice love; care for others; acts of kindness; inclusion; acceptance; welcoming; inviting
  • Acts of Justice – establishing community; service to others; equity and equality; protection of the poor, weak, powerless, vulnerable; a voice for victims

We are a Safe Sanctuary...

        The 1996 General Conference of The United Methodist Church adopted a resolution aimed at reducing the risk of child sexual abuse in the church. The foundation for this is within the Social Principles on the Rights of Children (Book of Discipline, ¶162.C). 
        Wellspring United Methodist Church has a Vulnerable Persons Protection Policy  aimed at preventing physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse in our church. This policy is part of a larger Safe Sanctuaries Manual, adopted to lower the risks of any harm to our most vulnerable disciples.  
        Reducing the risk of abuse is one of the “social structures that are consistent with the gospel” (Book of Discipline, ¶122) allowing our sanctuaries, classrooms, mission encounters, camps and retreats, and all spaces where we gather to worship and serve God to be places of trust.
        Training is offered for all persons having direct contact with children, youth, and vulnerable adults in the supervision of children, youth, and vulnerable adults, and in the identification and reporting of abuse.  Those who provide direct contact with children and youth must successfully pass a background screening. 
        Wellspring honors children, youth, and vulnerable adults enough to protect them from bodily harm, emotional damage, and spiritual destruction.​​
Palm Sunday celebration